Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sue Coe: Double Parked On The Highway of Life

Born in Britain, Sue Coe moved to the US in 1972 and immediately began work as an illustrator for the op-ed page of the New York Times. Coe has an unerring instinct for anticipating significant issues, her works are dark, intense and harken back to German Expressionism. Moving images usually of a political and shocking nature - the defense of animals in industry, racism, poverty, women’s rights, environmental and class struggles. Her dedication to animal rights began early- she grew up in a house adjacent to a slaughterhouse, with all of its associated sights and smells. Her book How to Commit Suicide in South Africa —about the death of Stephen Biko and other student organizers in South African prisons—became an anti-apartheid organizing tool used on college campuses to persuade investors to divest themselves of South African stock. Her most recent book, Sheep of Fools, details the horrific conditions of the sheep industry. Sue describes herself as "double parked on the highway of life." 

LINK - To some great images of Coe’s work she did for The X Files, TV show. 

LINK - To Sue Coe’s art site, books and prints

This was originally published on the homepage of Eclectix, 
in the "Pretty In Pink" issue, March. 2012
For the "Pretty In Pink" online exhibit, click here.

Todd Schorr's Neverlasting Miracles

Another must-see show opening in LA, is Todd Schorr's Neverlasting Miracles. His eclectic imagery is a barrage of highly detailed surreal characters - from comics, fables, toys, pop culture and/or politics. Large scaled works which involve the viewer in narratives of countless shenanigans - Todd's flawless technique pulls the compositions together in mind blowing ways. At Merry Karnowsky Gallery, the show opens on March 17th and runs thru April 14th. 

Camille Rose Garcia's Snow White

Camille has a slew of new works, based on Snow White, following on the heels of her last show - Alice in Wonderland. The show opens March 15th at Michael Kohn Gallery in LA, along with a book release and signing.  Camille's works are always enjoyable and beautifully captivating; this group appears to be no different. A must-see exhibition if you find yourself in the LA area, it will be on exhibit thru April, 2012.

"Camille Rose Garcia's wholly original interpretation of the classic tale of Snow White is 
underscored by her dark and whimsical style. With a stylistic nod to the watercolored animation backgrounds of early Disney movies, Garcia references the golden age of early animation as well as vintage German fairy tale books. Garcia adds back the darker elements present in the original Brothers Grimm text, inverting the Disneyesque paradigm of simplistic happy endings and everlasting halcyon days into something closer to the original macabre German folktale." - Via Michael Kohn