Inspired by the "This Town" Exhibit at Eclectix Gallery, Thru August 16th
This is a little late in posting, but the local art is just as fresh now as it was then. The SF Academy of Art's 2009 grad student exhibit in May was the most exciting of all the art school shows I attended. Hats off to all the wonderfully talented students out there! Room after room of countless images were worth blogging and seeing. One of the best things about student shows is how truly eclectic they are. Traditional and newbrow, sculpture, painting, you-name-it! - all media and mediums in any given art avenue. There was awesome steam punk jewelry (some with dental pieces as pendants), steam punk sculpture, incredible landscapes, paper cut works, killer fashion photography (the glass on them, made it impossible to photograph, however), traditional ceramic sculpture, classic oil portraits, fantastic sci-fi influenced illustration, and on and on... Time restraints will force me to unwillingly edit, so enjoy what fits!