A look at some art in-progress, from artist Isabel Samaras. A little step-by step on her recent illustration commission for the Santa Fe Reporter.
About the assignment, Isabel had this to say -
"The art director, Angela Moore, emailed me originally asking me to do a Devil Babe couple kissing for the cover of their Valentine's "Love & Sex" issue. Along the way the idea changed, as they often do -- briefly it was going to be tattooed hipsters but we settled on a more "mythical" romance between Medusa and a Satyr."
The original line drawings are ink on scratchboard. For those who don't know- scratchboard is a process where a surface board is coated with ink, then let to dry. The image is formed by scratching thru the ink to reveal the white underneath. Many tools may be used to scratch- Xacto blades, the end of a paper clip, a needle or anything sharp and pointed. It is kind of like drawing in reverse, like a negative to a photograph. One may buy pre-made scratchboard at art supply stores, as well.
After the drawings were completed the color was added to a scanned image in PhotoShop.
The original scratchboards are for sale, get your itch on, quick!
"Medusa's Kiss", 12" x 14", ink - $295
"Little Cupid", 6" x 5", ink - $75
Contact Eclectix (eclectixp(at)yahoo.com) if interested...
Does anyone recognize these two lovebird models? Strangely familiar to those in the know...