Inspired by the "This Town" Exhibit at Eclectix Gallery, Thru August 16th
Sheri's art is full of fun exuberant energy and feminine wiles. Creating art dolls and 3D sculptures out of eclectic sources, just about everything and anything. She uses paper mache, paper clay, fabrics, trims, clays, found objects and paints to fashion characters in perky and exotic poses. In fashions inspired by vintage, punk, a hint of the 80's and some Victorian influences, her women come alive with bright color, captured forever in a moment. Sparking our curiosity, she makes us want to know the story behind the character. Fairy tales, myths, child-like emotions and circumstance all merge in her beautiful assemblages. From her pieces in " The All-Gurlz Show" at Eclectix to her recent solo show "Caught in the Headlights" at Bloom in Napa, we were once again enthralled to lay our eyes on the art that so reflects her as a person - the incredible positive vibes and warmth layered with an undercurrent of dark wonder. Just like her dolls, caught in the moment, our eyes were opened wide and happy about it!
Sheri will have some work in the up-coming exhibit, The Tattoon Show at Eclectix Gallery.