Eclectix Gallery presents a fantastic exhibition of tattoo & cartoon inspired art by 30 artists. Sugar, spice, and everything nice and un-nice. Satire, fun, politics, elegant beauty and soooo cute; this show has it all!
If you haven't been to see the show, come on by, it's up until October 4th.
Artists Exhibiting: Adam Lunoe, Angelique Houtkamp, Alexis Lopez, Anna Todaro, Annie Owens, Arabella Proffer, Barry Focha, Ben Jelter, Calamity Cole, Catherine Lagman, Chris Buzelli, Chris Kanyusik, Christine Benjamin, Eric October, Garrett Bossio, James Ivey, John Seabury, Kurtis Rykovich, Lady Reni, Larimie Garcia, Les Toil, Louis Balestier, Lucianne Walkowicz, Matt Wuerker, Marco Mejia, Nicolas Caesar, Polly Mania, Phillip Hall, Sandi Calistro, Stephanie Mufson, Sheri DeBow, Sherwin Viray, Tim Sharman, Vince Packard
Notes on Just a Few of the Great Artists:
Angelique Houtkamp - inspirational Dutch tattoo mademoiselle of the modern art world. Ms. Houtkamp's work makes it's Northern California debut at Eclectix Gallery with this exhibit!
Chris Buzelli - distinguished, surreal dreamscape artist whose work has been featured in Rolling Stone, NY Times, and Playboy, to name a few.
Matt Wuerker - 2009 Pulitzer Prize finalist, Washinton DC based, esteemed editorial and political cartoonist. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, LA Times, and NY Times.
Annie Owens - the Bay Area's own established artist and quiet mastermind behind Hi-Fructose Magazine. Ms. Owens' work elegantly walks the fine line between whimsy and dark, daintiness and strength.
Ben Jelter - awarded illustrator, artist, graphic novelist and Academy of Art University instructor.
Voted “Best Gallery” in the Bay Area by SF Chronicle’s ‘Best of the BayList’
Eclectix Gallery, 10082 San Pablo Ave., El Cerrito, CA 94530 For Hours and More - Please go to: http://www.eclectix.com