Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just In Time For The Day of the Dead, John De Jesus

Artist and sculptor John De Jesus just sent us his gorgeous hand painted skelly carvings. They are great gurl skeletons, from many different walks of life, one for everygurl! Deeply carved reliefs, out of wood, hand painted, recessed into the niche altar style of classic El Dia de la Muerte retablos. A great, hip gift for that special someone in your life.
(My personal fave is the rocker chick Wanda, above...) 
Who doesn't need some fantastic sculpture to liven up
that Day of the Dead decor?

For all the relief images and info on prices, go to the Available Art section of the Eclectix site, here.

Ben Heine: Puttin' Pencil To Photo and Back Again...

Artist Ben Heine came up with a very fun and creative way to marry art and photography, superimposing a pencil sketch of an area in front of it and then snapping the foto. His series is titled "Pencil Vs. Camera" and he has a lot more entertaining images here.