Some more random artful food creations, this time leaning heavily on the fruit carvings. Maybe most of us only do pumpkins at Halloween but there is a wealth of other stuff out there!
Credits follow: not necessarily in the right order ( when will Blogger put a caption option in?)
Warhol's soup can, rabbit fruit carving by Ivan Cholakov, graceful birds from Carving Institute, teacup & saucer by Elisa Werbler, a bouquet of melon flowers by Floral Concept, toy & object sculpture- "Muddy Stream from a Mug, Hamberger" by Teppeo Kaneuji, melon mouth by an unknown, spider melon from http://j-walkblog.com, dragons by Italian, Paolo Pachetti (pictured with one of his creations) and first, but not last, an underwater extravaganza by Jimmy Zhang. Dig those seahorses!