When I got this invite in the mail, just had to share. How beautious! Only Ryden could afford this kind of exhibition announcement. At least someone can, right? It's wonderful to see an artist get the attention they deserve, while they are still alive... The invite is a little triptych altar, it folds out to stand up with three panels of art. It is gilded with an intricate gold frame around the edges and it just makes me want to pray to his meat goddess.
Here's a link to a great little time lapse video of Mark painting the piece "Incarnation" for the show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dupxHaHx7rA
"The Gay 90's Old Tyme Art Show" opens April 29th at the Paul Kasmin Gallery in New York. It will be there until June 5th, so go - if you are that lucky!