Brazilian based Jum Nakao makes incredible dresses out of vegetable paper (papyrus or parchment.) They are light, lovely and delicate fashions that contrast well with the dark, robot-like, hard edged models.
From Jum- “A term used by John Calvin: “The precise use of the vague” - which allows the reading of a more playful universe.”
He creates artistic events or happenings along with his shows. At the end of one - Desfile, the models tear the dresses off themselves, destroying them while the audience gasps in horror - LINK. In another, rats slowly tear and feed upon the dresses LINK.
“That is why we destroy everything, to show that there is something more important, something much more lasting than what people see and value at first sight.”
For an interview and overlook at some of his work - PingMag LINK And a backstage look at Jum setting up a show - LINK